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DIY Bird Feeder

Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 (3 PM to 4 PM)

Birdfeeders provide an energetic boost to the diets of local and migrating birds looking for a hearty meal. Make your own to take home while watching our birdfeeders. Please note: peanut butter is one of the main ingredients used. Meet behind the Visitor Center at the picnic tables.

Please note: peanut butter is one of the main ingredients used.
Admission: $3
Parking fee: $5
Event Phone: 912-598-2300

Accessible Event

Skidaway Island State Park
52 Diamond Causeway
Savannah, GA 31411
(MapQuest) (Google Maps)


GPS Coordinates:

N 31.9493100 | W -81.053710
Located 15 miles southeast of Savannah on Diamond Causeway. Turn left at the first traffic light on Skidaway Island to enter the park. Please note that some GPS devices will miss this important turn.

Skidaway Island State Park
52 Diamond Causeway
Savannah, GA 31411 View Details

Skidaway Island State Park