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Conservation Conversation 3 "Butterflies and the Butterfly Garden"

Saturday, Aug 23, 2025 (11 AM to 2 PM)

Bring your family and join us as we discuss the importance of the butterfly and the butterfly garden. There will be an interactive presentation as well as activity on how to grow your own butterfly garden. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in the Southeast Pollinator Census. Presentation 11:00am and 1:00pm

Admission: $7.50-$13.00
Event Phone: 706-655-5870

Accessible Event Wild Georgia Event

Roosevelt's Little White House Historic Site
401 Little White House Road
Warm Springs, GA 31830


GPS Coordinates:

N 32.880700 | W -084.686416
Located ¼ mile south of Warm Springs on Highway 85.

Roosevelt's Little White House Historic Site
401 Little White House Road
Warm Springs, GA 31830 View Details

Roosevelt's Little White House Historic Site