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The Buzz on Bees

Monday, Apr 7, 2025 (10 AM to 11 AM)

What is the buzz on bees? Join us to learn about bees, why they are important and how to attract them. We'll also be building a pollinator palace to provide a home for solitary bees.

Admission: $5
Parking fee: $5
Event Phone: 706-541-0321

Wild Georgia Event

Mistletoe State Park
3725 Mistletoe Road
Appling, GA 30802
(MapQuest) (Google Maps)


GPS Coordinates:
N 33.643283 | W -082.385200

Located 3 miles off Highway 150, 8 miles north of I-20 exit #175.

Mistletoe State Park
3725 Mistletoe Road
Appling, GA 30802 View Details

Mistletoe State Park