Hike with a park Naturalist on the two-mile Backcountry Campsites loop. This is an easy hike. Meet at the Interpretive Center, then we'll drive to the Backcountry Camping Trailhead. Duration Approx, 1.5 hours $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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This guided, mostly flat, 1.5 mile walk along the Overlook Trail introduces you to some of the trees and plants that stay green all year long. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Enjoy a relaxing morning as we go on a birding adventure. This class will teach you the basics of birding as we hike and explore around Crooked River. Guests are encouraged to bring their own binoculars. $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Explore the area and learn about our fine feathered friends while making a locally sourced bird feeder with pine cones. $2.00 per person $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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In preparation for the 2025 Backyard Bird Count students will be introduced to bird identification through bird guides, binoculars and Merlin Bird ID app. Students will learn differences in beaks and feet through bird games and an outdoor adventure. They will learn how to participate in the Backyard Bird Count taking place February 14-17. $6 plus $5 parking. 706-541-0321.
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Birdfeeders provide an energetic boost to the diets of local and migrating birds looking for a hearty meal. Make your own to take home while watching our birdfeeders. Please note: peanut butter is one of the main ingredients used. Meet behind the Visitor Center at the picnic tables. $3 plus $5 parking. 912-598-2300.
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Homeschool Thursdays: Every second Thursday of the month. All ages welcome, large groups please give advance notice! Each month will have a new theme.
February - Ecology $5 plus $5 parking. 706-754-7981.
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Making Valentines Day card from nature, materials will be provide come join us and bring your imagination. $3 plus $5 parking. 706-456-2602.
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What are you doing tonight? Anything special? Join us for a romantic evening under the stars with your loved one. Be ready to have some fun. How well do you know your loved one?
Learn some fun facts about Valentine's Day. Be ready for laughter.
Come and enjoy the smores as well. Step out of the box and do something different. $5 plus $5 parking. 770-254-7271.
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Eagles, hawks, falcons, and ravens, are some of Georgia's largest birds, and among its most imperiled. Come learn about these and other large avian, and the efforts to slow their decline. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Take a walk with the park Naturalist from the interpretive center along the Overlook Trail to the Meadowlands and back. Moderate hike $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Join us during the Great Backyard Bird Count for a guided stroll around the park to record bird populations via sight and sound in this important worldwide annual survey sponsored by the Cornell Lab, Audubon Society, and Birds of Canada!
We will be meeting at the Nature Center. $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Join us during the Great Backyard Bird Count for a relaxing session of birdwatching and nature journaling! While we participate in this important worldwide annual survey, take the opportunity to let your creativity flow and sketch some of the birds we observe! $2 plus $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Come learn the basics of archery and embrace your inner cupid by shooting arrows at heart-shaped targets!
All equipment is provided. Program is outdoors and weather permitting. $15 plus $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Before joining us for smores and games, join us instead for flint and steel! This class will teach you the basics of fire-building and the different uses it has! $5.00 per guest $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Settle in for the night with some fun, games, and s'mores around a campfire with a ranger.
Each week holds something new! $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Camping or staying in a cottage with us over Valentine's weekend? Grab one of our sweetheart packages, including a bundle of firewood, matching mugs, a strawberry s'more kit, hot chocolate mix, and a keepsake magnet! You can choose whether you want the package delivered to your sight on Friday or Saturday. 43.28 plus $5 parking. 678-450-7726.
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Valentines Day is right around the corner and what better gift to give your loved one than the gift of nature. Create a pinecone bouquet for your valentine. All Ages. Must pre-register and pre-pay at the park office.. Meet at the group shelter below the dam. $10 plus $5 parking. 706-663-4858.
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Hike with a ranger while looking for heart-shapes in nature. We will use our phones to capture heart shaped natural objects along sections of Mountain Creek Trail. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes. Must pre-register with the park office by calling 706-663-4858. Ages 15 – Adult. Minor must be accompanied by an adult. $5 parking. 706-663-4858.
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Come join us on the bridge to view the sunset over the lake, then we'll hike out to the rocky point under a moonlit sky. We'll finish at the lakeside fire ring near the Visitor Center, where we'll enjoy hot cocoa & s'mores by the fire. $1 plus $5 parking. 770-867-3489.
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Take aim and learn to shoot arrows like Cupid. After the archery, we'll enjoy s'mores at a campfire. Couples, singles and families welcome. Equipment provided, no experience necessary. Archery class aimed at participants ages 10 and above. Call the park office to register in advance. Limited to 10 participants. $10 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001.
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Come out and enjoy a wagon ride with the ones you love on this special day. This family-friendly wagon ride will feature a guided tour of the park with a stop for s'mores at our boat ramp that overlooks scenic Lake Rutledge. Space is limited. Pre-registration required. $5 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001.
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Come out and enjoy a wagon ride with the ones you love on this special day. This family-friendly wagon ride will feature a guided tour of the park with a stop for s'mores at our boat ramp that overlooks scenic Lake Rutledge. Space is limited. Pre-registration required. $5 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001.
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Bring your loved ones out for this special bird watching hike on Valentine's Day. Join our rangers on a guided hike around the historic site to learn all about our local birds and discover as many bird species as we can for the Great Backyard Bird Count. $1-$7. 478-986-5172.
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Take a guided hike up Mound A after the sun is down and the moon has risen with tiki torches lighting the way. Light refreshments will be provided. Meet at the Temple Mound parking lot. $5 plus $5 parking. 229-724-2150.
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Come join us as we hike down our Lake Trail and across our lake. We will stop on our boardwalk to watch the sunset! Bring your camera for pictures. Our Naturalist will be happy to take photos of you and your Sweetheart. Please bring a flashlight for the hike back. We will meet at the Interpretive Center to hit the trail! $5 parking. 912-287-4900.
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Looking for something new to do with your valentine? Bring them to Panola Mountain a guided hike through our conservation area, watch the sunset over downtown Atlanta! Afterwards, relax at the campfire and roast a s'more. Call the Park Office to register as space is very limited. Wear sturdy shoes and bring a flashlight. $15 plus $5 parking. 770-389-7801.
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You don’t have to be in love, but it helps! Join us for an all-day archery event. Hour long slots available all day. $10 for 1 person, $16 for 2 people. This program will cover basic safety and technique. Equipment provided. Participants must be at least 10 years old. $10 per person. Please call the Visitor Center to register in advance. $10-16 plus $5 parking. 912-598-2300.
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Our Valentines day fair will feature an art station, selfie station, music and light refreshment with guided activities set at various times.
11:30 am guided dance lesson
1 pm Archery (ages 10+)
2 pm Hissing booth meet the ambassador animals
3 pm smores
To register call 770-732-5871 15 plus $5 parking. 770-732-5871.
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Visiting Tallulah Gorge on Valentine's Day? Spend the afternoon in a canoe with your boo, then cozy up by the campfire for s’mores with your sweetheart. Space is limited so RSVP by phone! $30 plus $5 parking. 706-754-7981.
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Enjoy a lovely time on the beautiful river. Paddle up the peaceful river and return as the sun sets.
Fun and easy, no experience necessary. Ranger led. $15 plus $5 parking. 706-783-5349.
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Come enjoy the park... at night! Hike under the stars by moonlight and see the river in a whole new way. $3 plus $5 parking. 706-783-5349.
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Come try your hand at this beginners archery lesson, and put your new found skills to the test. Ages 8 and up. Call the park office to pre-register. Couples get a discount, We will meet at the picnic shelter #3. $10 plus $5 parking. 706-456-2602.
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Come try your hand at a variety of thumbprint crafts to see just how versatile this handy appendage can be! $5 parking. 706-746-2141.
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Come learn about some of the many types of adaptations that Mother Nature has provided to us and other animals to help us survive and thrive in our environments. One particularly handy adaptation we will talk about is our thumbs, just in time for Thumb Appreciation Day on the 18th! $5 parking. 706-746-2141.
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Join a Ranger for an easy stroll around our .8 mile Black Rock Lake Trail and learn how to identify several trees at any time of the year. Wear good shoes to walk in and bring water and $2 cash for the program fee, or pay ahead of time at the Visitor Center or Trading Post. Meet at the Black Rock Lake trailhead by the parking area by 3pm. $2 plus $5 parking. 706-746-2141.
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Join us weekly for our Saturday Morning Hike as we view Nature in the Winter at the Park. Dress appropriately for the weather. Please call for reservations. Limited to 20 Morning Hikers who enjoy nature and want the exercise. $5 plus $5 parking. 770-254-7271.
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Dive into the freshwater world of darters! We will explore the Threats impacting populations and the conservation efforts to help protect these interesting and imperiled fish. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Explore the geologic forces that formed the canyon and the surrounding area. This moderately strenuous hike (just under 2 miles) begins at the Main Overlook and proceeds down to Cherokee Falls. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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During this program you will learn methods for identifying common wildlife scat and tracks found in North Georgia $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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This Ranger led hike takes you down into the canyon and up the west side to a rocky outcrop on the West Rim Trail. Moderately strenuous. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Join us during the Great Backyard Bird Count for a relaxing session of birdwatching and nature journaling! While we participate in this important worldwide annual survey, take the opportunity to let your creativity flow and sketch some of the birds we observe! $2 plus $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Assemble a team and test your knowledge with an exciting nature themed trivia night! Categories and questions will be centered around the park and the wildlife that can be found here. $5 per team $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Camping or staying in a cottage with us over Valentine's weekend? Grab one of our sweetheart packages, including a bundle of firewood, matching mugs, a strawberry s'more kit, hot chocolate mix, and a keepsake magnet! You can choose whether you want the package delivered to your sight on Friday or Saturday. 43.28 plus $5 parking. 678-450-7726.
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We're putting a fun twist on a classic favorite! Who says s'mores have to be a dessert? Meet outside of the visitor center for this charcuterie like treat. This is part of our 2025 campfire cooking series. You will get a personalized sticker and new cooking skills for each program you come to! Please call ahead to register. $5 plus $5 parking. 678-450-7726.
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Start anytime. Team up for our on-site scavenger hunt. Pick up checklist/rules at the park office. Pictures must be brought to office with checklist by 4PM. Winners notified by phone to pick up prize. $5 parking. 706-663-4858.
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Join us for a special archery target shooting where you can shoot hearts and get candy. For ages 10 to adult. We provide basic instruction and equipment. Beginners welcome. Limited attendance of 12. Preregistration required by calling the Office at (706) 663-4858. Meet at archery field below dam. Park at boat dock. $20 plus $5 parking. 706-663-4858.
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Learn about the spring migration of sandhill cranes. Listen for their fascinating calls through the month of February as they make their way north. Their calls can sometimes be heard overhead while hiking here at the park. We will discuss bird migration and the benefits of flocking. $5 parking. 706-663-4858.
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Take a nature walk with a ranger and discuss the longleaf pine, its habitat, and the animals that depend on it. The discussion will be followed by a pine needle craft activity. Ages 15 – Adult. Minor must be accompanied by an adult. Must pre-register and pre-pay. at the park office by calling 706-663-4858. Meet at the group shelter below the dam. $10 plus $5 parking. 706-663-4858.
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Celebrate Valentine’s Weekend in the Officer’s Barracks! Tea service and small snacks provided. Perfect for couples, friends, and history lovers! Space is limited, reserve today by calling 912-437-4770. Cost: $15 per person. $15. 912-437-4770.
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Enjoy a candlelit night on the Fort with dancing, live music brought to you by Bella Harmony, delicious hors d'oeuvres, and some sweet treats. Have two left feet? Don't worry! We will give dance lessons throughout the night, and you can always take a break by the fireside with your sweetie. $45. 912-727-2339.
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Join a ranger for a Valentine's celebration at the park. We will be hiking to the fire tower to discuss the romantic history behind its iconic stone heart and making our own valentines by the tower. 1 mile/moderate. Art supplies will be provided. Registration required. $2 per participant. Begins at the Old Fort picnic area at 12pm. $2 plus $5 parking. 706-422-1932.
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A brisk, six-mile guided group jaunt around the lake on our inner-loop (yellow trail). Bring provisions, this intermediate-level challenge is for experienced hikers. Pet-friendly! $1 plus $5 parking. 770-867-3489.
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Come lend a hand around the Heritage Farm as we begin the beautification process. Following Hurricane Helene we surveyed the park and there was much damage, with the help of contractors and heavy equipment we’ve knocked out the big stuff and now we can tackle the rest. No fee plus $5 parking. 912-384-7082.
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Venture to the Heritage Farm and check out our Tree Discovery Table located at the Relihan Museum & Nature Center. Thanks to the Georgia Forestry Commission you can pick up a free tree seedling to plant at home! Limited to one seedling per family, while supplies last. No fee plus $5 parking. 912-384-7082.
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Take aim and learn to shoot arrows like Cupid. After the archery, we'll enjoy s'mores at a campfire. Couples, singles and families welcome. Equipment provided, no experience necessary. Archery class aimed at participants ages 10 and above. Call the park office to register in advance. Limited to 10 participants. $10 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001.
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Come out and enjoy a wagon ride with the ones you love on this special day. This family-friendly wagon ride will feature a guided tour of the park with a stop for s'mores at our boat ramp that overlooks scenic Lake Rutledge. Space is limited. Pre-registration required. $5 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001.
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Come out and enjoy a wagon ride with the ones you love on this special day. This family-friendly wagon ride will feature a guided tour of the park with a stop for s'mores at our boat ramp that overlooks scenic Lake Rutledge. Space is limited. Pre-registration required. $5 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001.
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Hardman Farm will partner with Sautee Nacoochee Center, Unicoi State Park & Helen Arts & Heritage Center for WinterFest: Arts Tour. This festival includes 150 artists across 4 locations (Including 4 vendors at Hardman Farm State Historic Site). The Hardman Farm mansion will be open for an open house on the main floor. 706-878-1077.
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Did you forget Valentine's Day yesterday? We've got your back! Bring your significant other or bestie for a guided hike on the Falls View Trail (strenuously rated) and then afterwards take a hot beverage and sweet treat to enjoy together in the park. Space is limited. Please register in advance. $2 per couple $5 parking. 478-993-3053.
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Interested in adding a Dutch oven to your camping kitchen? Meet the Naturalist at the fire pit in the Program Area for a demonstration! $5 parking. 478-993-3053.
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Calling all photographers! Bring your cameras to the Multi-use trailhead for a 1 mile hike to learn about wildlife photography and take photographs of scenery with our Naturalist! $5 parking. 770-504-2277.
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Meet us at the program hut to learn campfire safety, different ways to build a campfire, and how you can make your own firestarter using household supplies! Then. we'll enjoy some s'mores around our campfire! $5 parking. 770-504-2277.
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Bring your loved ones out for this special bird watching hike on Valentine's Day. Join our rangers on a guided hike around the historic site to learn all about our local birds and discover as many bird species as we can for the Great Backyard Bird Count. $1-$7. 478-986-5172.
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Join the park naturalist at the interpretive hut outside the visitor center. Discuss with them about the daily life of the indigenous people that once occupied this land and what tools they needed to survive. $5 parking. 229-724-2150.
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Join us and learn the basics of archery. Ages 10 and up. No loose fitting clothes and long hair pulled back. Closed toed shoes is a must. Pre-register at the Visitor Center prior to the event. We will meet at the Archery Range by the Interpretive Center. See you there! $10 plus $5 parking. 912-287-4900.
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Gather at Camp Lawton History Center for a guided tour to Camp Lawton's 160 year old Civil War Earthen Fort. Along the way we will discover more about this prisoner of war camp built to hold 40,000 prisoners.
Admission to the History Center is included. $5 plus $5 parking. 478-982-1660.
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Did you know Gopher Frogs are among the many species that are a high priority for conservation of their natural habitats? Join us at Camp Lawton History Center to learn more and make your own origami jumping gopher frog. $3 plus $5 parking. 478-982-1660.
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Archery Saturday, Feb 15, 2025 2 PM to 3 PM
Try your hand with a compound or recurve bow after learning the basics from a certified instructor. Archery equipment will be provided. All levels of experience are welcome for a fun time of target practice. Meet at the archery range past cottage 9. $10 plus $5 parking. 478-982-1660.
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Join us "on rope" for an adventure exploring the canopy above. This is an introductory program to recreational tree climbing. Participants will use rope and harness to climb, swing, and scramble. Climbs start at 1 PM and 3 PM. Call Nature Center to register, space is limited to 12 climbers. Ages 8 and up. $15 plus $5 parking. 770-389-7801.
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Join us "on rope" for an adventure exploring the canopy above. This is an introductory program to recreational tree climbing. Participants will use rope and harness to climb, swing, and scramble. Climbs start at 1 PM and 3 PM. Call Nature Center to register, space is limited to 12 climbers. Ages 8 and up. $15 plus $5 parking. 770-389-7801.
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The Georgia Division Reenactors Association will be encamped near the Prather Cabin and performing a Federal Infantry, 23rd Army Corps Impression in the Big Wheat Field. This will include hourly musketry firing and military drilling. The feature program will be "Period Weaponry Through Time". $3 - $6. 770-443-7850.
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Columbus State University and the Coca-Cola Space Science Center will present an evening of star gazing and slides. Visitors may bring their own telescopes, but some will be provided. The park offers excellent sky viewing without light pollution. $5 parking. 229-838-6202.
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Weather permitting,
We will meet in the main parking lot across from the Trading Post. We will talk briefly about light pollution then explore visible constellations and dark sky objects through the telescope. $5 parking. 912-637-5274.
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Hey Parents! Need some time this weekend? We're hosting a Jr. Ranger Camp ages 6+
Your kids will:
participate in art activities
service project
Learning to use a compass and map
Basic Shelter Building
Make Smores
and more
Please pack your child a lunch and snacks.
$40 per child for both days
$25 per child for one day $40 plus $5 parking. 770-732-5871.
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Come meet our animal ambassadors, the snakes, as we provide them some enrichment time, share some facts, and give you a chance to pet them (if you dare). $5 plus $5 parking. 706-754-7981.
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Give archery a shot or brush up on your skills! Must be able to draw 20lbs bow. Meet at the Jane Hurt Yarn Interpretive Center and they will direct you where to go. Please call and register in advance space is limited $15 plus $5 parking. 706-754-7981.
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Show your love for the ladies you appreciate, by making them a galentine. She may be someone you know personally or just someone you look up to. Then we will go on a history hike and talk about a woman who is significant in the history of Tallulah Gorge. $5 plus $5 parking. 706-754-7981.
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Meet at the archery range for a ranger led archery lesson! Ages 8 and up welcome. Wear closed toed shoes and bring a water. $15 plus $5 parking. 706-245-6270.
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Take a lovely hike on the nature trail while learning a bit about the river, plants and animals of the area, and more. Questions encouraged. $3 plus $5 parking. 706-783-5349.
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Join our park rangers on this moderate 5K / 3.1 mile trail route covering the Hiking/Biking Trail and the Ridge Loop.
No fee required but please call the office if you want to attend. $5 parking. 706-783-5349.
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Join us to learn some of the fascinating history of Watson Mill Bridge, built in 1885 by well known African American bridge builder Washington W. King.
We’ll take a tour through the longest covered bridge in Georgia, stop at the overlook where the old mill once stood and end at the power plant ruins. $3 plus $5 parking. 706-783-5349.
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Ever want to get started on a family genealogy, but just get too overwhelmed on where to go and how to get started? Come and learn from first hand experiences and get inspired to finally get your family history preserved for future generations! $3.25 - $12 912-353-3023.
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Dive into the freshwater world of darters! We will explore the Threats impacting populations and the conservation efforts to help protect these interesting and imperiled fish. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Join us during the Great Backyard Bird Count for a guided stroll around the park to record bird populations via sight and sound in this important worldwide annual survey sponsored by the Cornell Lab, Audubon Society, and Birds of Canada!
We will be meeting at the Nature Center. $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Join us during the Great Backyard Bird Count for a relaxing session of birdwatching and nature journaling! While we participate in this important worldwide annual survey, take the opportunity to let your creativity flow and sketch some of the birds we observe! $2 plus $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Join a ranger on a guided hike down the Big Rock Trail and see the waterfall. .75 miles/moderate. Begins at the Big Rock Trailhead at 11am. $5 parking. 706-422-1932.
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Come meet & greet our naturalist on a leisurely stroll along the Birdberry Trail. This event is stroller & pet-friendly. Every Sunday @ 11 & 1. $1 plus $5 parking. 770-867-3489.
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Tag along with our interpretive staff for a guided tour of our Heritage Farm. Explore the farm and its out-buildings, learn the reasons behind their construction and a good bit about what life was like for Wiregrass farmers during the nineteenth century. $5 for adults, children 12 and under $3 (standard parking fee required) $5 parking. 912-384-7082.
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Tag along with our interpretive staff for a guided tour of our Heritage Farm. Explore the farm and its out-buildings, learn the reasons behind their construction and a good bit about what life was like for Wiregrass farmers during the nineteenth century. $5 for adults, children 12 and under $3 (standard parking fee required) $5 parking. 912-384-7082.
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Hardman Farm will partner with Sautee Nacoochee Center, Unicoi State Park & Helen Arts & Heritage Center for WinterFest: Arts Tour. This festival includes 150 artists across 4 locations (Including 4 vendors at Hardman Farm State Historic Site). The Hardman Farm mansion will be open for an open house on the main floor. 706-878-1077.
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Come learn how the Mesozoic era, the Muscogee Creek Nation, the Industrial Revolution, the American Civil War, the Allman Brothers Band, and the Flood of '94 all shaped the history of the land and water that is now High Falls State Park. $5 parking. 478-993-3053.
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Bring your favorite art medium to the Overland Nature Trailhead and draw some scenery with our Naturalist! We will be going for a short hike to find a scenic spot, and then stopping to draw it!(coloring pages will be provided for those who do not want to draw) $5 parking. 770-504-2277.
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Join the park naturalist at the interpretive hut outside the visitor center. Discuss with them about the daily life of the indigenous people that once occupied this land and what tools they needed to survive. $5 parking. 229-724-2150.
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Learn about our Georgia state reptile, the Gopher Tortoise, as we explore its habitat, range, diet, life span and importance to our environment.
This will be a walking/talking event, beginning and ending at the Visitors Center. As we will explore numerous Gopher Tortoise burrows on our 1.5 mile hike, closed toed shoes are advised. $5 parking. 229-724-2150.
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Join us at the Interpretive Center to make your own bird feeder! What a great way to celebrate our feathered friends and the role they play in our environment! Let's keep our pollinators happy. Hope to see you there! $5 plus $5 parking. 912-287-4900.
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Join us "on rope" for an adventure exploring the canopy above. This is an introductory program to recreational tree climbing. Participants will use rope and harness to climb, swing, and scramble. Climbs start at 1 PM and 3 PM. Call Nature Center to register, space is limited to 12 climbers. Ages 8 and up. $15 plus $5 parking. 770-389-7801.
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Join us "on rope" for an adventure exploring the canopy above. This is an introductory program to recreational tree climbing. Participants will use rope and harness to climb, swing, and scramble. Climbs start at 1 PM and 3 PM. Call Nature Center to register, space is limited to 12 climbers. Ages 8 and up. $15 plus $5 parking. 770-389-7801.
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The Georgia Division Reenactors Association will be encamped near the Prather Cabin and performing a Federal Infantry, 23rd Army Corps Impression in the Big Wheat Field. This will include hourly musketry firing and military drilling. The feature program will be "Period Weaponry Through Time". $3 - $6. 770-443-7850.
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Hey Parents! Need some time this weekend? We're hosting a Jr. Ranger Camp ages 6+
Your kids will:
participate in art activities
service project
Learning to use a compass and map
Basic Shelter Building
Make Smores
and more
Please pack your child a lunch and snacks.
$40 per child for both days
$25 per child for one day $40 plus $5 parking. 770-732-5871.
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Tallulah Gorge is a geological masterpiece of the works of nature and time. Join this mile long hike where we explain the geologic history of this special section of the Tallulah River. $5 plus $5 parking. 706-754-7981.
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Give back to nature and the community by taking part in Stewardship Sundays. Assist with activities such as trail maintenance, trash collection, gardening, cleanup, invasive plant removal, etc. Bring work gloves and water! Meet at the Interpretive Center to report for duty! $5 parking. 706-754-7981.
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Explore the geologic strata of the canyon from the bottom up in this advanced look at the rocks and minerals that make up the lower part of the canyon. Meet at the Interpretive Center, then we'll drive to the lower Sitton Gulch Trailhead. This is a moderate 2-mile hike. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Participants will learn how to build a campfire and how to make a fire without a match while practicing outdoor fire safety.They will create fire starters to assist in getting campfires started and work together as a group to build a campfire for lunch. We will conclude with the purpose of control burns and learn how they are conducted. $20 plus $5 parking. 706-541-0321.
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FDR portrayer James Fowler and Teddy Roosevelt portrayer Dr. Joel Harris will reflect on their place in our nation's history. Two great Americans who follow the same career paths to become giants in American history. Performances will be at 11:00 am, 1:30 pm, and 2:30 pm. $9.50-$15 706-655-5870.
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Are you ready to give back to your community? Make your world a little brighter by helping tidy up. Stop by the Visitor Center to receive information and materials. Junior Rangers will receive credit towards a Kids Care service patch. There is no age limit and all participants may earn a prize. $5 parking. 912-598-2300.
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Children ages 8 to 12 are invited to join the Naturalist at the Nature Hut to learn wilderness survival skills and other activities towards earning a Jr. Ranger Badge. Pre-registration is required. $30. 706-356-4362.
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Cloudland Canyon is the only state park in Georgia that lies within the Cumberland Plateau, and the only one that contains caves. This 1 hour presentation explains why this region is riddled with holes, and will introduce you to the fragile environment of caves and some of the fascinating creatures found in them. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Hike with a park Naturalist on the two-mile Backcountry Campsites loop. This is an easy hike. Meet at the Interpretive Center, then we'll drive to the Backcountry Camping Trailhead. Duration Approx, 1.5 hours $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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This guided, mostly flat, 1.5 mile walk along the Overlook Trail introduces you to some of the trees and plants that stay green all year long. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Come meet our naturalist & share a hot beverage overlooking the lake. $1 plus $5 parking. 770-867-3489.
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Many species of plants and animals, including some in our park are imperiled, or threatened. Come find out what they are, and what's being done to ensure their survival. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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This short but strenuous guided hike will go from the Interpretive Center down to the ford at Bear Creek (approximately 3 miles roundtrip). $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Learn some of the most useful knots to use around your campsite during this short, hands-on program. All ages welcome. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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This Ranger led hike takes you down into the canyon and up the west side to a rocky outcrop on the West Rim Trail. Moderately strenuous. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Compass and navigational knowledge is a GREAT skill for kids to learn. Join us as we clarify and demystify exactly how to use a compass and learn how to put it to practical use. This program is geared towards younger children. Simply navigate your way to the Picnic Tables behind the Visitors Center. $5 plus $5 parking. 770-975-0055.
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Do you like to be prepared? Do you plan ahead? Carry survival essentials?
If you are this person, but DO NOT know how to navigate an area by map and compass, then you are missing out on a very important skill set! No worries, we can get you up to speed. Meet at the Tennis Courts by the Trading Post. $10 plus $5 parking. 770-975-0055.
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Ohhh, the weather outside is frightful... But the thought of being unprepared in an emergency situation does not have to be! Come prepare for the worst as we discuss and build different shelter types together. Meet at the Picnic Tables behind the Visitors Center. $5 plus $5 parking. 770-975-0055.
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You've seen every season of "Alone"? Wonderful! But do you have the skills to effectively build and maintain a fire without the use of lighter or matches? Knowing how to construct a viable fire is probably the most essential survival skill. Come get properly educated. Meet at the Picnic Tables behind the Visitors Center. $5 plus $5 parking. 770-975-0055.
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Looking to increase your fitness while going on a scenic stroll with some other folks? Join us as we walk the Shortline / Bill & Dusty Mckay Trail. Trail is paved and flat, 3 miles total. $5 parking. 706-754-7981.
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This program defines the difference between "Good Plant" species and "Bad Plant" species, and "Good Snakes" versus "Bad Snakes" . . . and if there really is such a thing. Meet at the Interpretive center. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Take a walk with the park Naturalist from the interpretive center along the Overlook Trail to the Meadowlands and back. Moderate hike $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Enjoy a relaxing morning as we go on a birding adventure. This class will teach you the basics of birding as we hike and explore around Crooked River. Guests are encouraged to bring their own binoculars. $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Explore the area and learn about our fine feathered friends while making a locally sourced bird feeder with pine cones. $2.00 per person $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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A ranger will be roving the park to answer your questions about local flora, fauna, and more! $5 parking. 912-598-2300.
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Eagles, hawks, falcons, and ravens, are some of Georgia's largest birds, and among its most imperiled. Come learn about these and other large avian, and the efforts to slow their decline. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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This short but strenuous guided hike will go from the Interpretive Center down to the ford at Bear Creek (approximately 3 miles roundtrip). $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Learn how to tie a hook and catch a fish with a ranger! $5.00 per person $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Scorpions, owls, and bats, oh my! Attend this evening hike to learn about the nocturnal animals of Crooked River State Park. $5 parking. 912-882-5256.
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Fort McAllister is celebrating Georgia Arbor Day with a native tree giveaway. We will also offer tree-planting guides to planting your new tree. Supplies are limited, so come early and stay for one of our ranger-guided hikes. $5 parking. 912-727-2339.
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In the spirit of GA Arbor Day, join us on our Leafy Legends Hike. You'll learn about the significant influences of trees on our ecosystems, science, culture, and history, from the giants that witnessed battles dating back to the Civil War to the small underbrush trees that are the only naturally caffeinated plant native to the US. $5 plus $5 parking. 912-727-2339.
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Come experience one of the best sunsets in the state! 1 mile/moderate. Begins at the Old Fort picnic area at 5:15pm. $5 parking. 706-422-1932.
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Join us at Jack Hill State Park and learn how to make your very own candle using a surprisingly simple process that is perfect for all ages! Mold, color, and create your candle using the safe, non-toxic materials we will provide. $5 plus $5 parking. 912-557-7744.
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Gather at the History Center for a ranger led hike to the spring and Camp Lawton's 160 year old Civil War Earthen Fort. Along the way you will discover more about this prisoner of war camp built to hold 40,000 prisoners. Admission to the History Center is included.
Ages 3 and under are free. $3 plus $5 parking. 478-982-1660.
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Come join us as we view the night skies. Shortly after sunset a parade of planets will occur. This is the last week to see Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn aligned in the sky. A telescope will be set up to get a closer look. We will also roast marshmallows for those who want a sweet snack.
Pre-registration is required $5 per person
Pre-Registration is required $5 parking. 706-541-0321.
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Try your hand at the exciting sport of archery. Program includes instruction and 1 hour of shooting. Ages 8+, but great fun for all! We provide all of the equipment and the know-how. Meet at the Green Gazebo behind the Visitors Center. No open-toed shoes or loose-fitting clothing permitted. $15 plus $5 parking. 770-975-0055.
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Try your hand at the exciting sport of archery. Program includes instruction and 1 hour of shooting. Ages 8+, but great fun for all! We provide all of the equipment and the know-how. Meet at the Green Gazebo behind the Visitors Center. No open-toed shoes or loose-fitting clothing permitted. $15 plus $5 parking. 770-975-0055.
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Do you like to be prepared? Do you plan ahead? Carry survival essentials?
If you are this person, but DO NOT know how to navigate an area by map and compass, then you are missing out on a very important skill set! No worries, we can get you up to speed. Meet at the Tennis Courts by the Trading Post. $10 plus $5 parking. 770-975-0055.
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Join us on this special day for an easy 1-mile hike along the Sandpiper Trail Loop. You will appreciate the variety of local trees and enjoy learning to identify them with a ranger. Meet at the Sandpiper Trailhead. $5 parking. 912-598-2300.
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Join us as we explore what's in Lake Liberty, discussing the different species of fish and how they survive. Everyone is welcome. $3 plus $5 parking. 706-456-2602.
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Bring your dog for this easy afternoon walk on our .85 mile trail around Black Rock Mountain Lake to celebrate National Walk Your Dog Day. Dogs must remain on leash at all times. Meet at the Black Rock Lake trailhead by the parking area at 2:00pm. $5 parking. 706-746-2141.
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Join Malcolm and our Park Naturalist as we explore the interesting world of lichens and mosses as we hike along trails at Trailhead 1. Are lichens and mosses useful to us? Can we make teas from them? Are they edible? What other purposes do they have? $7 plus $5 parking. 770-254-7271.
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Come and look through a telescope to view the Sun with our guest Astronomer, Klaus Hodapp. Listen as he describes what is happening on SOL $5 parking. 770-254-7271.
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Want to soar with the big guys? Join us as we learn all about the Bald Eagle. How big is it? Is it really America's National Bird? Do you know that we have eagles in the park? Join our Park Naturalist as we discover these exciting and amazing Birds of Prey. $7 plus $5 parking. 770-254-7271.
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Join us for our monthly campfire program. Come and make smores with our supplies. Do you like to act? Do you like to sing? Do you like to laugh? Come and visit with us as we make lasting memories. Look through a telescope and view the heavens. (Weather permitting) $5 plus $5 parking. 770-254-7271.
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Many species of plants and animals, including some in our park are imperiled, or threatened. Come find out what they are, and what's being done to ensure their survival. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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Learn about the different turtles of Georgia, and which one has been designated the "State Reptile"! $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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This Ranger led hike takes you down into the canyon and up the west side to a rocky outcrop on the West Rim Trail. Moderately strenuous. $5 parking. 706-657-4050.
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